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Artistic collaboration with Benoît Vieubled 

Artistic collaboration with Benoît Vieubled, visual artist, creator of exceptional objects.


The Art of Benoît Vieubled, an invitation to the land of imagination and beauty…

Although he is well—known for his work in a whole range of creative genres, Benoît Vieubled remains an artist at heart. His love of draughtsmanship has given birth to a series of faces, animals and nudes which are carefully placed to show their reflections on the wall behind the lamp, giving the impression of an actual presence, just escaped out of a mirror.

First came studies at the Institut des Arts Visuels at Orléans (France), and then an interlude as a teacher of painting, but since 1997 Benoît Vieubled has established himself as an independent creator, with a special interest in lighting fixtures. As an artist sets out the construction of his painting, so Benoît Vieubled stagemanages the different elements of the new object, playing with timehonoured chandelier conventions, using inversion, or perhaps accumulation, to produce a delightful hybrid, somewhere between an installation, a design, a sculpture and  craftwork. His luminous mapglobes, « The World Inside Out, the World Right Side Up », using 15 recycled map spheres, have become wellknown around the world.

In his recent creation for Maison Adler, itself devoted to the cult of beauty since its inception, beauty is paramount, celebrating lightness, fragility, the loveliness of beating butterfly wings, the freedom of flight. Using wire with golden and iridescent stippling, the artist’s designs invade space and take possession of it, employing techniques which echo those used by a master jeweller, hammering, chiselling, polishing and combining metal with brilliance, here the reflections of crystal. The movement of light is omnipresent both in the discourse of Benoît Vieubled, and in his work; light travels from the interior to the exterior, and rebounds from the exterior to the interior.


The creator often uses the finest materials, left untreated in their raw state, but on other occasions slate, or driftwood may be elaborately transformedSometimes the object needs to tinkle, or resound, to prompt an immediate reaction, to awaken a sentiment of reflective wellbeing… as with these pieces of silverware, that the artist has restyled as a mellifluous shoal of fish, based on memories of the time he spent at the Pointe du Raz in Brittany.

His creations transcend mere plastic art to become a kind of poetry. Their emotional impact summons us to relive the guileless pastimes of childhood, the pleasure of touching, of simple games, of mischievous jokes, of constructing and of pulling apart. The artist invites the beholder to enter fantasia, the world of fables, unfettered by adult conventions.

Here shadows assemble and streaks of light flicker and beam. From the long, meticulous hours of work in the studio arrives a vision of natural, artless grace. Though made of porcelain, the butterfly seems to quiver and flutter. On a journey from his workshop to the outside world, from his personal vision to a tangible creation, Benoît Vieubled, indefatigable experimenter with shapes and different materials, always manages to surprise and captivate us, inviting us to follow him on his latest adventure in the land of beauty.