Concours des Prix du commerce de l??conomie genevoise
Launched in 2012 to publicise and promote the quality and excellence of the Genevese shopping sector, the Concours des Prix du commerce de l??conomie genevoise invites the participation of all the stores in the Canton open to the public.
Professional associations, partners in the retail sector, and the Genevese authorities came together to organise these prizes for the retail trade in the Genevese economy awarded to nine store managers from the Canton. These distinctions are destined to promote local outlets of quality, contribute to a heightened visibility for these firms, call attention to Geneva?s savoir-faire and client-friendly ambiance, enhance Geneva?s commercial image, and reward creativity and originality.
The Prizes are divided into three categories; the most attractive display window, client-friendly service and creativity.? The Maison Adler is happy and proud to have won the second prize in the category for the welcome given to clients, and their customer service.
According to tradition, the prizes were presented to the winners in their stores, by the members of the jury, and an evening celebration in their honour was held at the Ecole H?teli?re de Gen?ve.
We would like to thank the Genevese authorities, and the members of the jury for this stimulating competition.